As convenor of the scientific program for the 2010 HFESA Annual Conference it is my pleasure to call for the submission of poster abstracts. Posters may present the results of research; however presentations of case studies of the application of human factors and ergonomics principles are also highly encouraged. Abstracts should clearly describe in 100 to 200 words the aim of the work described, the nature and scope of the project, and the conclusions or outcomes reached. Accepted abstracts will be published in the conference handbook.
Posters accepted on the basis of the submitted abstracts will be presented during a session immediately following the keynote presentation on the morning of Monday November 1, as well as remaining displayed for the duration of the conference in the conference foyer (there will be no trade display). 
Poster presenters may also submit a full paper for inclusion in the digital conference proceedings. Full papers received by the advertised deadline will be refereed. Posters accompanied by full papers received by the deadline will be considered for the 2010 Ken Provins award for the best conference paper. Posters will be the only form of submitted contribution accepted for the 2010 conference. 
The number of posters which can be accepted is limited by the room size. Satisfactory abstracts will be accepted in order of receipt, and presenters will be notified of acceptance or otherwise within 3 days of submission. The deadline for the receipt of poster abstracts is: July 2, 2010. The deadline for the receipt of full papers for refereeing is: September 1, 2010.
Abstracts, and any other correspondence regarding the 2010 conference scientific program should be sent to: 


Robin Burgess-Limerick PhD CPE

Scientific Program Coordinator

HFESA 2010 Annual Conference Oct 31 - Nov 3, 2010



HFESA 2010 Call for Poster Abstracts